Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My brave Boy...

Will was SO Brave yesterday...he had his tonsils out. He had to wait all day until 4:30 to have his turn while the other kids had theirs taken out! He had a little girl beside him who was the same age as Maya and he took care of her even during the night!!!He is so sweet and I am so proud of him!

He had to stay overnight because he was done so late in the day and he didn;t want me to stay with him. When I went back this morning he wasn't as bright and bubbly as he was when he first came back from theatre. His throat is very sore and has been asleep most of the day since we got home.Poor little man.

Maya's head healed pretty quickly and she is as crazy as ever and right now is supposed tobe having a sleep but has decided she doesn't need one today!

Well I got a couple of exciting emails yesterday both from Scrapbooking memories magazine. The first was to say I had made the shortlist (not so short though!!) for the masters this year. Woohoo!!! Now to be nervous until Decemember!!! Not expecting to go any further looking at the other very talented ladies on the list!But proud to get where I am!

Also got asked to do another Product Challenge feature as I have done before so that was very exciting! I can't wait to get the goodies!!
Anyway nothing to show today. Haven't had any time to scrap so thanks for popping by. Thanks to those who have been leaving lovely comments!! Ebxx


Anonymous said...

Oh your little munchkins... hope they both recover quickly!

And yay yay yay for us! Yes very exciting and glad to have someone to ride the ride with later in December! Well Done!


Tanstar said...

Hey I hope will is all good now... poor little possum. hugs